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Presenters: Katie Willy & Elise Fuller
This webinar will cover:
Understanding mastitis: epidemiology, physiology, causes
Understanding the biopsychosocial impacts of mastitis
How the world is getting mastitis so wrong
Osteopathic considerations in treating mastitis including musculoskeletal considerations
To ultrasound, or not to ultrasound, that is the question
About Katie and Elise:
Katie Willy amd Elise Fuller have been treating lactating women at Katie’s, Boroondara Osteopathy/ Melbourne Mastitis Clinic for over seven years. Whilst developing techniques and management protocols for lactating conditions using the foundations & principles of osteopathy, they quickly realised the HUGE gap in care for these mothers not just in Australia, but worldwide. During the pandemic lockdowns, Your Two Jugs™ became a platform for lactating mothers around the world to find answers to their conditions, and have a treatment plan to guide them towards feeling better and getting on with their breastfeeding journey.
Katie and Elise's goals are not as simple as just teaching others how to treat mastitis, but to also grow awareness that:
a) mastitis along with other breastfeeding conditions exist
b) they are hugely prevalent in lactating women and;
c) manual health care practitioners have a massive role to play in caring for the lactating woman.
It’s time it became common knowledge that women have more choices in care. Last year Katie and Elise released an online course, Boob Hero, for the health care practitioner who wants to further their knowledge and skills in treating mums with lactation conditions.
This webinar aims to grow awareness of your role as an osteopath in this field!
Disclaimer: Content correct at the time of publication.