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Osteopathy Australia promotes and champions the work of osteopaths as university-qualified primary healthcare professionals. This includes promoting osteopathy to consumers through media campaigns and education.
Find out the latest member updates.
Osteo Life is the only national publication for osteopaths in Australia.
We've had a busy year responding to 36 submissions, attending 31 consultations on your behalf and gaining two major pre-budget wins! Read more about the year 2024 in review.
At the start of 2024, we welcomed Dr Matt Cooper (Osteopath) as the association’s new president. Read about Matt's vision for the future.
At the start of 2024, Dr Michelle Funder (Osteopath) stepped down as the association’s President after four transformational years in the role. Michelle concludes her strategic leadership with a heartwarming and inspirational message.
At the start of 2024, Dr Georgia Ellis (Osteopath) stepped down as one of the association’s directors. Georgia reflects on the impactful initiatives and research achievements during her tenure.
As one of the final changes of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022, there are incoming changes to how an employee can be engaged on a fixed-term contract.
Osteopathy Australia's Shake Your Pain Shadow campaign aims to educate the general community on the benefits of Osteopathy and encourage them to book an appointment.
whatisosteo.com is Osteopathy Australia's consumer website aimed at promoting osteopathy as a profession while educating consumers on how osteopaths may be able to help them manage their pain.
We welcome Julia Biernacki as the newest member of its Board of Directors. Julia will represent early-career osteopaths' interests and voices.
Over the next couple of months, Osteopathy Australia CEO, Antony Nicholas will be travelling to every capital city with a Board Director representative.
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced its annual wage review decision for the upcoming 2023/2024 financial year.
Osteopathy Australia HR Service will update all relevant modern award wage guides to reflect the increase. The updated guides will be available from 1st July 2023.
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Media campaign highlighting the importance of seeking professional help, such as osteopaths, early for the management of chronic pain.