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Submission 18 September 2024: Feedback on the 2025-26 IHACPA Pricing Framework
We provided feedback on the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) survey on the Pricing Framework for Australian Residential Aged Care Services 2025–26. You can read our full summary here.
Submission 17 September 2024: Feedback on the confidential Scope of Practice Review
We provided feedback to the confidential draft final report for the Scope of Practice Review consultation, which closed on 17 September 2024.
Report 17 September 2024: New Aged Care Bill 2024
We have summarised the key changes for osteopaths following the introduction of the new Aged Care Bill 2024 into the Parliament. The summary also reflects the advice provided in a Department of Health and Aged Care webinar the team attended on your behalf.
Submission 5 September 2024: Feedback on the draft ANZSCO classification structure:
We provided feedback in the final round of consultation for the draft ANZSCO classification structure
Report 23 August 2024: NDIS reform Bill passes Parliament:
Read about news just in on the government passing the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024.
Submission 15 August 2024: Feedback on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 Consultation on Draft Lists of NDIS Supports
We provided additional feedback on the public consultation on the NDIS Bill, highlighting concerns about assessment processes, foundational supports, and the need for transparency and inclusivity in the legislative process.
Report 05 August 2024: Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice Workshop
We attended a stakeholder workshop with Safe Work Australia for the development of a Model Code of Practice.
We provided feedback on the public consultation on the proposed expansion of professions eligible to provide services under the private health insurance funded chronic disease management programs.
Submission 02 August 2024: Feedback on the Confidential preliminary consultation: Recency of Practice revised registration standard
We provided feedback to the confidential Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) consultation on the revised Recency of Practice revised registration standard, which closed on 2 August 2024.
Submission 31 July 2024: Confidential preliminary consultation: Continuing professional development (CPD) revised registration standard
We provided feedback to the confidential Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) consultation on the revised CPD registration standard, which closed on 2 August 2024.
Submission 30 July 2024: Additional feedback on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024
We provided additional feedback on the public consultation on the NDIS Bill highlighting concerns about assessment processes, foundational supports, and the need for transparency and inclusivity in the legislative process.
Report 29 July 2024: Site visit with the Hon Michael Sukkar, MP
We met with the Hon Michael Sukkar, MP’s office to showcase the work of osteopaths and highlight the impact of osteopathy on National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants.
Submission 16 July 2024: Feedback on Ahpra revised Criminal History standard
We provided feedback to the open consultation on the Ahpra revised Criminal History standard. Our submission highlighted the importance of public safety as well as personalised case-by case evaluations to ensure that the standard serves the community and practitioners effectively.
Report 12 July 2024: Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2024 -2029
A summary of the Department of Health and Aged Care's (DoHAC) Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2024-2029. The Strategy outlines how DoHAC will work with partners and the aged care sector for better collaboration through data and digital innovation.
Submission 12 July 2024: National Allied Health Workforce Strategy
We recently made a submission to the open consultation on the draft National Allied Health Workforce Strategy. The Strategy is high-level and does not go into the required depth of information.
Submission 9 July 2024: NDIS amendment Bill
We provided additional feedback on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024, highlighting concerns about assessment processes, foundational supports, and the need for transparency and inclusivity in the legislative process.
Report 28 June 2024: Community Affairs Legislation Committee passes the NDIS amendment Bill
The National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 (the Bill), has now been passed by he Community Affairs Legislation Committee. While we are disappointed with this result, it isn't over yet. The Bill must pass through senate in August before it becomes law.
Submission 24 June 2024: Fall Prevention Guideline
We recently made a submission to the open consultation on the Fall Prevention Guidelines. Our feedback ensured that osteopathy is recognised as a key part of the musculoskeletal allied health multidisciplinary team.
Report 21 June 2024: NDIS Amendment Bill 2024: Key updates and implications
The NDIS Amendment Bill 2024, which has been updated by the Department of Social Services and has passed the House of Representatives in its third reading, proposes significant changes
The team provided feedback during public consultation on the Ahpra guidance for embedding good practice in clinical placements, simulation-based learning and virtual care in initial student health practitioner education.
Report 16 June 2024: June NDIS Registration Roundtable
The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration taskforce's roundtable covered key topics like NDIS provider definition, self-directed supports, and worker registration. They emphasised the importance of visibility in strengthening regulations and welcomed testing new ideas.
Report 16 June 2024: Community Affairs Legislation Committee Senate Estimates
The team attended the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee budget estimates. Several relevant topics for osteopaths were discussed, including disability funding, financial challenges for allied health professionals, and aged care and hospital support investments.
Report 4 June 2024: New Aged Care Act Consultation Summary Report
This report summarises key consultation themes to follow from the new Aged Care Act summary report. We are deeply disappointed that our feedback to the recent open consultation has been overlooked by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
Submission 27 May 2024: Scope of Practice Issue Paper 2
We recently submitted our response to the open consultation on the scope of practice issues paper 2. Our submission highlights the vital role of visionary leadership, expertise, and effective communication in implementing primary healthcare reforms. It emphasises the necessity of strong government support and the importance of educating those affected to understand the implications of the changes.
Report 24 May 2024: NDIS Worker registration taskforce update webinar
The team tuned into a webinar by the NDIS provider and worker registration taskforce. The taskforce shared a promising and positive update on 'What we've heard so far,' giving a special shout-out to allied health professionals.
The NDIS Amendment Bill 2024 proposes significant changes that may impact how osteopaths deliver support to NDIS participants. It includes a new budget framework and collaborative input in funding allocation. Osteopaths should stay informed and prepare for the transition to the new framework.
Report 16 May 2024: Valuable insights from the AIHW on MyHospitals and primary care updates
The latest Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data reveals significant trends in hospital personnel and patient visits, emphasising the demand for osteopathic services to address musculoskeletal issues across Australia.
Report 15 May 2024: Federal Budget 2024-25 Summary
The summary of the 2024-25 budget outlines impacts to allied health and osteopathy across the health, aged care and disability sectors.
Osteopathy Australia submitted feedback on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024, highlighting critical concerns regarding foundational supports, assessment processes, and the need for transparency and inclusivity in the legislative process.
Report 9 May 2024: NDIS Community catch-up
On 8 May 2024, the team attended an in-person National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) community catch-up in Sydney. Bill Shorten, Minister for NDIS and Rebecca Faulkner, CEO of NDIS, attended the catch-up and answered various questions from the audience about the NDIS reforms.
Submission 3 May 2024: Consultation on the Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control Guide
Feedback provided to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC) on the Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control Guide.
Report 29 April 2024: Getting the NDIS back on track webinar series
We attended a series of webinars on the new NDIS legislation Getting the NDIS back on track No. 1 Bill 2024 (the Bill) with the DSS
Submission 25 April 2024: Consultation on the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce
In this submission we advocate for an NDIS allied health worker registration model that streamlines processes, avoids duplication, ensures compliance with industry standards, and prioritises participant well-being, ultimately aiming to enable osteopaths to effectively serve the diverse needs of NDIS participants.
Submission 24 April 2024: Consultation on the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards
Feedback provided to the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) on the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.
Report 23 April 2024: Aged Care workforce communication research consultation
The team attended a workforce communication research session with Whereto. The session explained changes happening in the aged care sector for the worker screening process.
Report 23 April 2024: IHACPA virtual care project consultation
We attended a consultation with the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority to discuss virtual care arrangements.
The team attended The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce roundtable on dual regulation allied health and rehabilitation services with taskforce member Michael Borowick. The rountable highlighted the need to streamline registration processes and enhance service quality in allied health and rehabilitation services within the NDIS framework, addressing gaps in understanding AHPRA's requirements, proposing measures to mitigate pricing concerns, and suggesting solutions for administrative challenges while ensuring continuous education and onboarding for providers.
Report 16 April 2024: DSC webinar on the new NDIS Bill
The team attended a webinar with DSC on 'The New NDIS Bill: Getting Across the Detail' providing insights into the complexities of the new NDIS Bill 'Getting the NDIS back on track', highlighting concerns about its impact on participant autonomy and the need for clarity and collaboration in its implementation.
Feedback provided on the refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions
Report 11 April 2024: The Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards
The current Aged Care Quality Standards (current Standards) were introduced on 1 July 2019. In response to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) has reviewed the current Standards and developed the draft strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards (strengthened Quality Standards). The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards will replace the current Standards.
Report 10 April 2024: The associations initial thoughs on the new NDIS legislation
A quick summary of our thoughts on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment Getting the NDIS back on track No. 1 Bill 2024 (the Bill).
Report 3 April 2024: NDIS Provider Information session
The team attended an information session led by senior provider engagement at the NDIS. The session focused on support roles within the NDIS, NDIA decision making and funding, using the MyPlace provider portal, the transition to the new PACE system, processes and record keeping.
Report 28 March 2024: DSC Annual NDIS Conference
The DSC Annual National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Conference provided a platform for robust discussions, insights, and updates crucial to shaping the future of disability support services in Australia.
Report 21 March 2024: 2024 Final report of the Aged Care Taskforce
The Aged Care Taskforce (the Taskforce) released the Final report of the Aged Care Taskforce in mid-March 2024. This report proposes recommendations “to support an aged care system that is sustainable, fair and facilitates greater innovation in the sector.”
Report 15 March 2024: Initial summary of the Aged Care Quality Standards consultation documentation
In response to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) has reviewed the current Standards and developed a set of draft strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards (strengthened Quality Standards). The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards will replace the current Standards and aim to ensure older Australians receive safe and quality care.
Report 14 March 2024: Aged Care Taskforce Report and Recommendations meeting
We attended a meeting with the Aged Care Taskforce on the Aged Care Taskforce Final Report.
Report 14 March 2024: Rethink Reablement Webinar
The team attended a webinar on reablement in aged care.
Submission 8 March 2024: Fall Guideline Recommendations and Good Practice Points (the guidelines)
In this submission, we focus on ensuring that allied health professionals, particularly osteopaths, are considered as part of the broader fall prevention team. This includes the suggestion to remove the reference to individual professions that may assist in fall prevention strategies and create an overarching inclusive statement involving all musculoskeletal allied health professionals.
In this submission, we focus on how the Scope of Practice Review should aim to achieve affordable and universal access to best-practice health services and value for the consumer and health system. Osteopathy Australia advocates for every Australian to have access to high-quality healthcare and support, regardless of where they live. Australians also deserve to have access to funded osteopathy. This will drive better health outcomes, improve the utilisation of our healthcare resources, and help overcome the inefficiencies in primary care. There is a significant opportunity within osteopathy to leverage existing skillsets and scope of practice to address system inefficiencies and reduce the burden on other health practitioners.
Report 4 March 2024: Summary of the National Disability Service Federal Budget Submission
The recent National Disability Service (NDS) 2024-25 Federal Budget submission identified five critical areas requiring financial support. This summary focuses on Sector Support for Transformation, as it is relevant to osteopaths.
Read our submission to Ahpra in consultation on the non-surgical cosmetic guidelines for practitioners who perform and advertise in this space.
Submission 29 February 2024: Working Better for Medicare Review
In this submission, we focus on how the current health workforce distribution levers are ineffective and not inclusive of allied health professionals or the wider health workforce.
Report 23 February 2024: Skills Priority List Stakeholder Survey
We responded to the stakeholder survey on behalf of the osteopathy profession by providing osteopathic data on job vacancies and why they fluctuate across the country.
Submission 23 February 2024: Osteopathy Australia's response to the new Aged Care Act consultation
In this submission, we focus on ensuring that allied health professionals, particularly osteopaths, are considered part of the broader multidisciplinary team.
Report 14 February 2024: NDIS Code of Conduct - Pricing Standards for providers
Explore the recent update to the NDIS Code of Conduct on pricing standards for goods and services, crucial for service providers catering to NDIS participants.
Submission 13 February 2024: Consultation on the NDIS Agency Strategy
We provided feedback to the NDIA on their draft Agency Strategy, focusing on key areas for improvement and emphasising the need for measurable outcomes to enhance disability support.
The Australian Government Department of Finance released the final report on the review of health practitioner regulatory settings. The final report makes 28 recommendations to streamline regulatory settings and make for an easier transition for international health practitioners to work in Australia.
Report 2 February 2024: Summary of the New Aged Care Act
A summary of the New Aged Care Act which will commence from 1 July 2024. It replaces the Aged Care Act, the Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 (the Commission Act).
Submission 23 January 2024: 2024 pre-budget
We made key recommendations to Treasury NSW for the improvement of the delivery of effective Primary Health Care (PHC), and specifically osteopathic care.
Submission 22 January 2024: Response to the Disability Royal Commission
A submission providing the association's response to the Disability Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation of People with Disability for the Department of Social Services (DSS).
Submission 18 December 2023: Submission to the Effectiveness Review of General Practice Incentives
This submission addresses the Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) Stream, supporting general practices in forming multidisciplinary teams with nurses, allied health professionals, and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners.
Report 8 December 2023: Disability Royal Commission - what I need to know as an osteopath
We are committed to ensuring our members can work with their clients to create a place where people with disability can enjoy all human rights and freedoms just like everyone else. In this brief overview, we highlight the key volumes, findings and recommendations that are most important to our members.
This article gives a detailed overview of the Disability Royal Commission’s final report outlining the recommendations that the Australian Government must adopt to prevent violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disability.
Formal submission for the approval of the osteopathic profession in the Western Australian workplace rehabilitation scheme.
Submission 9 November 2023: Response to Aged Care and Digital Strategy
A submission providing feedback on the draft Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy. Overall, we support the Strategy, with some minor feedback as outlined in the attached submission.
Report 8 November 2023: Letter to the NDIS Review Secretariat
A joint letter with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) outlining our profound disappointment about the lack of meaningful consultation with the musculoskeletal allied health professions.
Report 7 Novemeber 2023: Policy and Advocacy Updates
Overview of the policy and advocacy work undertaken on your behalf during October 2023.
Submission 2 November 2023: Review of Auslan service usage in primary care
A summary of the association's consultation in the Auslan service usage in primary care documents.
Submission 2 November 2023: The National Autism Strategy
Summary of our submission in response to the National Autism Strategy.
Summary of the latest progress report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
Report 17 October 2023: Allied Health Professions Australia Symposium
Overview of the 2023 Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) Member Policy Symposium in Melbourne, Victoria.
Report 13 September 2023: Overview of the 2023 National Allied Health Conference Perth
The team recently attended the 15th National Allied Health Conference (NAHC) in Perth, WA on behalf of members. Please read the wrap up report.
Submission 31 August 2023: NDIS Review Quarter 3, 2023
The association's quarter three, 2023 submission on the NDIS Review consultation
Submission 31 August 2023: SIRA model of care for the management of low back pain
The association's quarter three, 2023 submission in response to SIRA's Model for Care for the Management of Low Back Pain - summary
Submission 23 April 2023: ANZSCO comprehensive review
Osteopathy Australia's submission to the ABS for the ANZSCO comprehensive review
Report 11 May 2023: AHPA consultation on long COVID and repeated COVID infections
AHPA is seeking feedback from allied health professionals on their experiences supporting patients with long COVID or repeated COVID infections.
Report 9 March 2023: AHPA Aged Care
AHPA brief to the Minister of Aged Care on key issues for allied health
Submission 2 March 2023: Draft guide for primary and community healthcare Standards
Osteopathy Australia Submission to the Australian Commission on the Safety and Quality Healthcare's guide for the Primary & Community Health Care Standards
Osteopathy Australia's submission to SIRA NSW for the consultation on the Draft Guidelines for the Provision of Relevant Services (Health and Related Services)
Submission 30 January 2023: Pre-Budget Submssion 2023-24
Osteopathy Australia's Pre-Budget Submission to the Federal Government for 2023-24
Report 20 December 2022: New SIRA amendment regulations released
SIRA NSW has released the new State Insurance and Care Governance Amendment Regulation 2022.
Report 6 December 2022: Impact of AN-ACC on allied health in residential aged care
The new Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding scheme, is causing allied health job losses across residential aged care facilities, and in turn contributing to poorer health outcomes for residents.
Report 6 December 2022: New program for in-home aged care- ongoing consultations
An update of ongoing consultations with the Department of Health and Aged Care on plans for the new in-home aged care program
Submission 6 December 2022: Agred Care Quality Standards
Osteopathy Australia has provided feedback to the Department of Health and Aged Care on the revised aged care quality standards
Report 3 November 2022: NDIS recognition project
Osteopathy Australia is seeking formal recognition of osteopathy under the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Submission 21 October 2022: Draft State Insurance and Care Governance Amendment Regulation 2022
Osteopathy Australia’s submission to SIRA NSW on the draft State Insurance and Care Governance Amendment Regulation 2022 which supports the amendments made recently to the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015
Submission 28 September 2022: October 2022 Budget
Our submission outlines our concern that, despite the rhetoric, the new Federal Government does not seem to have made a genuine commitment to supporting multidisciplinary care, as allied health continues to be overlooked
Report 9 August 2022: Osteopathy Australia consumer website: whatisosteo.com
Osteopathy Australia's consumer website to promote osteopathy and osteopaths' whole-body approach to managing pain.
Report 4 August 2022: History of Osteopathy
The origins of osteopathy and its evolution as a modern allied health profession.
Report 4 August 2022: Vision for osteopathy 2023
Findings of a project to anticipate pivotal factors to influence osteopathy in the future and develop a strategic plan as its roadmap to help the profession embrace and overcome the opportunities and challenges ahead to position itself for success in 2030.
Report 29 July 2022: About Osteopathy
Understand what is osteopathy and how osteopaths use the whole-person approach to work as primary healthcare professionals in allied health in Australia.
Report 1 June 2022: Osteopathy Australia transition into practice program
Snapshot of osteopathy within the allied healthcare industry for students transitioning into clinical practice.
Report 1 June 2022: Osteopathy Australia advocacy work
Submissions by Osteopathy Australia to Government and regulatory bodies advocating for the profession.
Report 1 June 2022: Working as an osteopath in Australia
Career options, accreditation and regulations for working as an osteopath in Australia.
Osteopathy Australia provided feedback on WorkSafe Tasmania's Workplace Rehabilitation Provider Accreditation Framework in Tasmania and sought approval for osteopaths to provide workplace rehabilitation services in Tasmania
Submission 21 January 2022: Pre-Budget 2022-23
In its 2022-23 Pre-Budget Submission to the Federal Government Osteopathy Australia called for various budget measures to support greater access to osteopathic services and allied health more broadly.
Submission 10 December 2021: Rural and remote area HELP debt incentives - Letter to the Minister
Letter to Minister for Regional Health asking for allied health practitioners to be included in the Federal Government's plan to offer Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt incentives scheme
Submission 10 December 2021: SIRA's Draft regulatory complaints handling policy 2021
Letter to NSW SIRA regarding Osteopathy Australia's concerns with the draft complaints handling policy
Submission 26 November 2021: NDIS annual pricing review 2021-2022
Osteopathy Australia submission on the NDIS Annual Pricing Review 2021-2022
Submission 29 October 2021: NSW SIRA McDougall Review
Osteopathy Australia's submission to NSW SIRA in response to the consultation paper: McDougall Review, COVID-19 and future opportunities for personal injury schemes.
Osteopathy Australia's submission on proposed NDIS legislative changes
Submission by Osteopathy Australia regarding the Authorised Health Practitioner Framework of NSW SIRA Motor Accidents
Submission 30 July 2021: Statutory review of NSW Motor Accidents Injuries Act 2017
Osteopathy Australia's feedback to NSW SIRA regarding the Statutory review of the NSW Motor Accident Injuries Act
Submission 30 July 2021: TGA Therapeutic Devices Regulation
Osteopathy Australia's submission to the TGA on proposed refinements to the regulation of personalised medical devices focused on plagiocephaly helmets and foot orthoses.
Submission 27 July 2021: Primary Health Reform Steering Group
Osteopathy Australia's submission to the Primary Health Reform Steering Group highlighting the role of osteopathy and allied health in Primary Health Care
Submission 30 April 2021: Low back pain clinical care standard
Osteopathy Australia's response to ACSQHC's draft clinical care standard for low back pain
Submission 26 March 2021: NDIS Independent assessors
Osteopathy Australia's submission to the Standing Parliamentary Committee into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), seeking inclusion of osteopaths as eligible Independent Assessors.
Submission 26 February 2021: NDIS access and eligibility policy with independent assessments
Osteopathy Australia's submission focused on issues associated with independent assessors and the assessment process in the NDIS.