End of mandatory COVID-19 isolation: considerations for employers
Information about COVID-19 isolation changes which came into force on 14 October 2022.
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Osteopathy Australia runs a consumer website www.whatisosteo.com to promote osteopathy and showcase the work of osteopaths. The site includes an interactive body map and consumer-friendly information about all the things osteopaths may be able to help with.
The website explains the whole-body approach that underpins the work of osteopaths as primary healthcare professionals within the allied healthcare landscape and includes information on:
The website aims to demystify what osteopaths do and highlights how they work with your GP and other allied health professionals to make sure patients get the best care for them.
Information about COVID-19 isolation changes which came into force on 14 October 2022.
Read more about our most recent meeting with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) about our application for recognition.
Our submission outlines our concern that, despite the rhetoric, the new Federal Government does not seem to have made a genuine commitment to supporting multidisciplinary care, as allied health continues to be overlooked