Learning and development

Mandatory CPD topics

At least four hours of your annual CPD hours must cover mandatory topics. Here is a list of all our webinars, elearning and other CPD resources covering these mandatory topics.

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After Breast Cancer - Melbourne

After Breast Cancer - Melbourne


This one-day course will expand your understanding of breast cancer classification, diagnosis and treatments. You will gain an understanding of how common side effects develop based on the current research, and how to apply an osteopathic approach to help provide relief.

Pain and Pregnancy - Melbourne

Pain and Pregnancy - Melbourne


In Pain and Pregnancy, you’ll learn how to best assist women prepare for birth as well as post-partum covering topics such as prolapse, diastasis recti, preventing nerve pain, pelvic girdle pain, post-cesarean care, breastfeeding ergonomics, and more.

The Endo Enigma - Melbourne

The Endo Enigma - Melbourne


In this one-day course participants will gain an understanding of what endometriosis REALLY is - debunking many current myths. You will learn an individualised assessment and treatment plan for patients with suspected or diagnosed endo and how it fits within the context of an interdisciplinary team.

Mastering shoulders workshop-Brisbane

Mastering shoulders workshop-Brisbane


This two-day workshop explores a systematic and comprehensive approach to managing a variety of common shoulder dysfunctions. Participants are taught step-by-step assessment, treatment and clinical reasoning pathways to assure successful clinical outcomes.

Mastering shoulders workshop-Melbourne

Mastering shoulders workshop-Melbourne


This two-day workshop explores a systematic and comprehensive approach to managing a variety of common shoulder dysfunctions. Participants are taught step-by-step assessment, treatment and clinical reasoning pathways to assure successful clinical outcomes.