Preparing for your workshop

Preparing for your workshop

Thank you for signing up for this workshop! We're looking forward to welcoming you and supporting your learning journey. To help you get the most out of the session, we've put together some key details to ensure you're fully prepared on the day.

Most general questions about the workshops can be found in the associated FAQs but here are a few important specifics:

  1. Please bring a towel to the workshop.
  2. Please bring unfragranced massage oil to the workshop. To ensure a safe environment for all attendees, avoid nut based oils, such as almond oil, due to potential allergies. 
  3. The workshop facilitator recommends that you familiarise yourself with the material in advance of attending the workshop. Recommended pre workshop reading:
  • The Perrin Technique: 2nd edition, Raymond N Perrin, Hammersmith Press, 2021. Available at Australian retailer Booktopia
  • Hives L, Bradley A, Richards J, Sutton C, Selfe J, Basu B, Maguire K, Sumner G, Gaber T, Mukherjee A, Perrin RN. Can physical assessment techniques aid diagnosis in people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis? A diagnostic accuracy study. BMJ Open 2017;0:e017521. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2017-017521
  • Perrin R, Riste L, Hann M et al. Into the looking glass: Post-viral syndrome post COVID-19. Med Hypothesis 2020 Nov; 144: 110055. Published online 2020 Jun 27. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110055.

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