What is a Subpoena and how to deal with one
A list of FAQs to help you interpret and respond to subpoenas
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The State Insurance and Care Governance Amendment Regulation 2022 have now commenced and apply within the SIRA NSW Workers Compensation Scheme.
The amended regulation provides SIRA with new directive powers including directing a service provider:
These regulations are a part of a new regulatory framework that has been established to manage outlier providers who have proven a pattern of poor practice and have not rectified behaviour.
The full legislation can be found here: https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/pdf/asmade/sl-2022-818.
SIRA has made changes to the proposed draft regulations in response to feedback received from various stakeholders including Osteopathy Australia. This feedback prompted SIRA to make the following changes to the released Regulations:
You can find the full list of outcomes from the consultation process on the SIRA website
You can read Osteopathy Australia’s submitted feedback on the Draft Regulations here
A list of FAQs to help you interpret and respond to subpoenas
In this submission, we focus on ensuring that allied health professionals, particularly osteopaths, are considered as part of the broader fall prevention team. This includes the suggestion to remove the reference to individual professions that may assist in fall prevention strategies and create an overarching inclusive statement involving all musculoskeletal allied health professionals.
The Community Affairs Legislation Committee has passed the NDIS amendment Bill. Some concerns revolve around the inclusion of osteopathy and ensuring fairness for everyone.