Your clinic privacy statement
A template for members to download and use as their own privacy statement.
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Your privacy is essential to us. As part of the regular operation of this site, Osteopathy Australia may collect certain information from you. Our privacy statement details what information we collect, how we use that information, and what your rights are regarding any information that you supply to us. Osteopathy Australia is subject to the requirements of applicable Australian law and strives to meet the needs of the Australian National Privacy Principles.
As a business that provides a health service to and holds health information about individuals, your practice is classified as an 'APP entity' in the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme. As such, you have a number of obligations about the collection, use and disclosure of health information.
For more information about information privacy, including the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme, please visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
A template for members to download and use as their own privacy statement.
A guide to help practitioners increase their understanding of privacy legislation and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
A guide to your obligations under the Privacy Act when managing clinical records and patient information