Osteopaths, children and the wider health care system
A policy statement by Osteopathy Australia about the role of osteopathy in treating children, in the context of paediatric care in the broader health system.
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The Board of Directors of Osteopathy Australia has approved the following policy statement regarding vaccination:
Osteopathy Australia supports public vaccination programs as important public health initiatives. Parents and patients with questions or concerns should consult a medical practitioner, child and family health nurse, or state health department.
This statement applies to vaccinations for all health conditions, including COVID-19. For further information please review the following websites and/or seek advice from a suitably qualified health professional.
Frequently Asked Questions on Immunisation
Information on COVID-19 vaccination:
National Centre for Immunisation Research & Surveillance (NCIRS): NCIRS aims to inform policy and planning for immunisation services in Australia and to support initiatives in the surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases, including disease surveillance, vaccine coverage and immunisation adverse events.
Immunisation Calculator: This calculator is for Australian children up to 10 years of age on the National Immunisation Schedule. It will help to determine what vaccinations are due. You will need your child’s immuni- sation records ready to enter the dates that doses of vaccine were given.
World Health Organisation (WHO): A vaccine is any preparation intended to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the produc- tion of antibodies. Vaccines include, for example, suspensions of killed or attenuated microorgan- isms, or products or derivatives of microorganisms. The most common method of administering vaccines is by injection, but some are given by mouth or nasal spray.
NSW: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/default.aspx
QLD: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/public-health/topics/immunisation
TAS: https://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/publichealth/communicable_diseases_prevention_unit/immunisation
VIC: https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/immunisation
Health care workers may be exposed to, and transmit, vaccine-preventable diseases. Maintaining immunity in the health care worker population helps prevent transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases to and from health care workers and patients. Health practitioners should check what obligations you have in your state for specific industries and care sectors.
Under the Osteopathy Board of Australia codes and guidelines, to comply with s. 133 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and these guidelines, advertising of services must not contain any claim, statement, or implication that the services can be a substitute for public health vaccination or immunisation.
See more at: http://www.osteopathyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines.aspx
For further information, a suggestion or to discuss this topic, please:
Email your enquiry to info@osteopathy.org.au
Call Osteopathy Australia on 1800 467 836
Access further information via www.osteopathy.org.au
A policy statement by Osteopathy Australia about the role of osteopathy in treating children, in the context of paediatric care in the broader health system.
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