After Breast Cancer: An osteopathic approach - Melbourne

Event Info


Sunday, August 18, 2024
Sunday, August 18, 2024


High Street Holistic

Breast cancer treatment commonly results in significant scarring, adhesions, fibrous tissue, hard and lumpy breasts, rippled or contracted breast implants and even chronic pain. Current management leaves a significant gap in the post-treatment care of breast cancer patients which osteopathy is well placed to help fill.

This one-day course will expand your understanding of breast cancer classification, diagnosis and treatments. You will gain an understanding of how common side effects develop based on the current research, and how to apply an osteopathic approach to help provide relief.

After Breast Cancer has a strong practical focus including treatment protocols that you can use to make a significant impact on your patients’ lives by relieving discomfort, changing distorted breasts to look and feel ‘normal’, and allowing patients to feel comfortable in their bodies again. Many of the techniques learned can also be applied to other post-surgical scars.

Learning objectives:

  • Clinical assessment of the breast patient;
  • Internal and external scar tissue and adhesions;
  • Treatment of cording and capsular contraction;
  • Symptomatic relief for chemo patients;
  • Pre-learning video covering types, grades and stages of breast cancer and their prevalence;
  • Medical treatment protocols in breast cancer including lumpectomy, mastectomy, sentinel node biopsy (SNB), axillary lymph node dissection (ALND); radiation therapy, DIEP/TRANS reconstructions and more;
  • The impact on the body of each modality of treatment particularly on tissue texture including external and internal scarring, fibrous tissue and adhesions;
  • Other common side effects including Axillary Web Syndrome (cording), Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome, seroma and induration;
  • Who can we treat and at what stage of their treatment can you safely and effectively intervene?;
  • An osteopathic perspective on managing patients during and after their medical treatment protocol;
  • The future of osteopathy in this field – current treatment protocols and their limitations and how you can help.

Details and Registration

Disclaimer: Content correct at the time of publication.