Clinical Records – getting everyone on the same page

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Presenter: Brian Nicholls

To introduce and explain how to use the new standardised system for keeping osteopathic case records, which has been developed over the last 18 months. The system will gradually be introduced via the universities and Osteopathy Australia and will be incorporated by major software providers. By the end of this webinar, practitioners should be familiar with how to access and use the templates for new patients, follow up consultations and existing patients with original presentations. They should also have a clearer understanding of the minimum standard required in completing records, and of how to obtain and document consent using the standardised system.

About Brian

Brian trained in the UK and has been in clinical practice for 30 years, 23 of those in Australia. He spent 16 years teaching osteopathy at Victoria University and has taught more than 600 osteopaths in Australia over that time. He lectured in several subjects, including technique, ergonomics, clinical orthopaedics etc. However, he has a long-standing interest in medicolegal matters and has been an expert witness in many cases brought against osteopaths. In recent years, he has also acted as a clinical records auditor and has a raft of experience in identifying and correcting weaknesses in osteopaths' records.

As a result of the weaknesses noted over this period, he has been involved in a project to develop a standardised and systematic record-keeping system for the profession.

Disclaimer: Content correct at the time of publication.