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Federal Budget October 2022-23

Initial breakdown from the new government’s first federal Budget. This article outlines some of the key components impacting the areas of healthcare, families & individuals, and small business from the October 22-23 Budget.

October 2022 Budget: Osteopathy Australia Submission

Our submission outlines our concern that, despite the rhetoric, the new Federal Government does not seem to have made a genuine commitment to supporting multidisciplinary care, as allied health continues to be overlooked

Report: Community Affairs Legislation Committee Senate Estimates)

The team attended the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee budget estimates. Several relevant topics for osteopaths were discussed, including disability funding, financial challenges for allied health professionals, and aged care and hospital support investments.

Submission: 2024 pre-budget

We made key recommendations to Treasury NSW for the improvement of the delivery of effective Primary Health Care (PHC), and specifically osteopathic care.