Clinical practice guidelines

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Animals in clinical settings

This practice briefing outlines entry, consent and other considerations when dealing with assistance, companion or therapy animals in your clinic.

Briefing: infant orofacial conditions

Infant orofacial conditions such as tongue tie are complex and require interdisciplinary care. Osteopaths working with infants and their caregivers manage the neuromusculoskeletal implications of orofacial conditions for the neck, head, back and posture. This practice briefing for health stakeholders describes good practice in osteopathic management of orofacial conditions, other health professional groups osteopaths work with for management, and practice advice Osteopathy Australia offers its members working in the field to promote infant health and development.

Clinical Guideline Development

Clinical Guideline Development

Developing guidelines that promote evidence-based practice in osteopathy to close the gap between clinician care and scientific evidence.

Clinical records: a guide

A comprehensive guide to keeping high quality and consistent clinical records, including templates to help osteopaths record important information

Examination of sensitive areas

A guide for osteopaths on training, competence and recommended procedures for treating sensitive areas, genitalia or using internal techniques

Help & Resources

Help & Resources

Find information about schemes, practice resources, advanced/extended practice and our HR service.

Low back pain: case studies

This case study series will help members to reflect on factors important to consider in diagnosis, treatment and management of low back pain (LBP).