Osteopathy Australia's submission to the Standing Parliamentary Committee into the implementation,
performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), seeking inclusion of osteopaths as eligible Independent Assessors.
Our submission outlines our concern that, despite the rhetoric, the new Federal Government does not seem to have made a genuine commitment to supporting multidisciplinary care, as allied health continues to be overlooked
In its 2022-23 Pre-Budget Submission to the Federal Government Osteopathy Australia called for various budget measures to support greater access to osteopathic services and allied health more broadly.
Osteopathy Australia's submission to the Primary Health Reform Steering Group highlighting the role of osteopathy and allied health in Primary Health Care
On 8 May 2024, the team attended an in-person National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) community catch-up in Sydney. Bill Shorten, Minister for NDIS and Rebecca Faulkner, CEO of NDIS, attended the catch-up and answered various questions from the audience about the NDIS reforms.
Letter to Minister for Regional Health asking for allied health practitioners to be included in the Federal Government's plan to offer Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt incentives scheme
We made key recommendations to Treasury NSW for the improvement of the delivery of effective Primary Health Care (PHC), and specifically osteopathic care.
In this submission, we focus on ensuring that allied health professionals, particularly osteopaths, are considered part of the broader multidisciplinary team.
Osteopathy Australia's submission to the TGA on proposed refinements to the regulation of personalised medical devices focused on plagiocephaly helmets and foot orthoses.