Terms and conditions for Osteo Careers job advertisements
Terms and conditions for placing a job advertisement in Osteo Careers.
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Our small, dedicated team are passionate and driven to enhance and promote the interests of osteopaths, the osteopathic profession and consumer rights to access osteopathic services. We thrive working in our open and collaborative team culture and don’t hesitate to roll up our sleeves and help each other when needed.
Osteopathy Australia seeks qualified candidates when positions become available. There are currently no positions, but come back soon.
Terms and conditions for placing a job advertisement in Osteo Careers.
Advertise your job vacancy on Osteo Careers to find the perfect colleague for your team and business. Find out more about how to book your job advertisement.
We recently responded to Jobs and Skills Australia’s open consultation on the Occupation Shortage List – Stakeholder Survey. Read more about our submission here.