I am not currently practising as an osteopath
Non-Practising Membership
You are a qualified osteopath but you are not practising osteopathy in any capacity for at least 6 months within Australia. You may be on maternal/parental leave, taking a break, travelling or have other eligible non-practising circumstances. Your clinic is not listed on Find an Osteo until you return to a practising membership type.
- Policy and advocacy
- Info, guidance and advice
- CPD and eLearning (some free, some low cost)
- eNews (limited)
- 4 x Osteo Life issues (digital)
- Member Advantage rewards program
- Classifieds (discounted)
- Discounted advertising (eFlyer, Osteo Life, website banners)
- Currently qualified as an osteopath in Australia
- Currently registered on the Ahpra Register of Practitioners in Australia as a non-practising or general registrant
- Not practising osteopathy in any capacity, for a minimum of six months within Australia
- Must provide evidence your current Professional Indemnity Insurance status in Australia is on hold (i.e. temporary leave of absence) or authorise Osteopathy Australia to contact your insurer directly to confirm your insurance status
- The HR Service is unavailable on a Non-Practising membership type.
- No listing on our Find an Osteo online search tool
- The maximum period a member may be granted the Non-Practising category is 2 years. All decisions are at the discretion of the Osteopathy Australia Board
- $165 join fee applies to a new or re-joining member application
- Osteopathy Australia membership can be cancelled during a membership cycle, but no refunds are provided
- On application for membership with Osteopathy Australia, you declare all information submitted to be true and correct
Retired Membership
You are an existing member who may apply to the Osteopathy Australia Board for Retired membership upon reaching the age of 65 or if you are ceasing practise for permanent retirement.
Please read the conditions of the Retired membership category and use My Memberships on your dashboard to change your type.
- Policy and advocacy
- Info, guidance and advice
- eNews (limited)
- 4 x Osteo Life issues (digital)
- Member Advantage rewards program
- Classifieds (view only)
- Discounted advertising (eFlyer, Osteo Life, website banners)
- Ordinary members may apply to the Osteopathy Australia Board based upon attaining the age of 65 and/or ceasing practice for permanent retirement
- Only previous Osteopathy Australia members can apply for Retired Membership
- Retired members must not practice in any capacity and must demonstrate their non-practising registration on the AHPRA register
- Applicants must provide evidence of cancelled Professional Indemnity insurance and run-off cover; or authorise Osteopathy Australia to contact your insurer directly to confirm your insurance status
- No need to re-apply for Retired Membership status once it’s been granted. Each subsequent renewal will be under this category
- No CPD requirements
- No listing on our Find an Osteo online search tool.
- $165 join fee applies to a re-joining member application
- Osteopathy Australia membership can be cancelled during a membership cycle, but no refunds are provided
- On application for membership with Osteopathy Australia, you declare all information submitted to be true and correct
Join Osteopathy Australia Membership Type Conditions
Compare Membership Types Membership Fee Table