An Osteopathy Australia titled ‘Occupational Health Osteopath’ is an osteopath who can demonstrate long-term commitment to sustained practice in workplace injury management and physical ergonomics and associated risk factors through continued educational obtainment and in clinical practice.
They will have proven knowledge and skills in all areas of occupational health including but not limited to:
- workplace assessment applying validated ergonomics and job analysis tools and guidelines.
- Knowledge in the management of key neuro-musculoskeletal occupational injuries, including the range of recovery pathways and professional and/or clinical treatment modalities
- Skill to identify how organisational and work processes can support and aid injury recovery.
- Comprehensive understanding of the interests of the various stakeholders involved in an occupational rehabilitation context and how to work within the various schemes.
- Knowledge of assessment tools and outcome measures
- Knowledge of the key principles in the development of occupational rehabilitation reports for various stakeholders.
Titled Osteopaths have completed extensive further study and proven work experience in their field and have been independently assessed to meet the required standard.
For a comprehensive list of expected knowledge, capabilities, and skills that an Advanced Occupational Health Osteopath will hold, please see the Quality Practice Framework.
Advanced Practice Application Process
Tertiary Pathway Application Process
- Candidates should download and read the Occupational Health Quality Practice Framework to better understand the broad knowledge, skills and capabilities required within each focus area to see if they will be able to meet the membership criteria.
- Read the Occupational Health Application Pack and use the below templates to complete the required paperwork:
- Read the Terms and Conditions
- Pay the application fee
- Send completed paperwork to
- Await determination, approximately a six-week turnaround
Vocational Pathway Application Process
- Candidates should download and read the Advanced Practice Occupational Health Quality Practice Framework to better understand the broad knowledge, skills and capabilities required within each focus area to ensure they will be able to meet the membership criteria.
- Read the Occupational Health Application Pack and use the below templates to complete the required paperwork:
- Read the Terms and Conditions
- Pay the application fee
- Send completed paperwork to
- Await determination, approximately a six-week turnaround
Extended Practice Application Process
Professional Development Stream
- Candidates should download and read the Occupational Health Quality Practice Framework to better understand the broad knowledge, skills and capabilities required within each focus area to see if they will be able to meet the membership criteria.
- Read the Occupational Health Extended Practice Application Pack and complete the application paperwork relevant to the chosen focus area:
- Read the Terms and Conditions
- Pay the application fee
- Send completed paperwork to
- Await determination, approximately a four-week turnaround
Clinical Supervisory Stream
- Candidates should download and read the Occupational Health Quality Practice Framework to better understand the broad knowledge, skills and capabilities required within each focus area to see if they will be able to meet the membership criteria.
- Read the Occupational Health Extended Practice Application Pack and complete the application paperwork relevant to the chosen focus area:
- Read the Terms and Conditions
- Pay the application fee
- Send completed paperwork to
- Await determination, approximately a four-week turnaround
Recredentialing Process
Recredentialing Process
To ensure that our Advanced Practitioners continue to maintain, consolidate, and grow their knowledge and skills in their recognised focus area the recognition period will be valid for three years with the titled practitioner needing to undergo reassessment to remain titled. This process should be completed before the three year expiry to ensure titling does not lapse.
Recredentialing application process
- Read the Advanced Practice Occupational Health Recredentialing Process Application Pack and use the following templates to complete the required paperwork:
- Read the Terms and Conditions
- Pay the application fee
- Send completed paperwork to