Extended Practice

We recognise members with an extended scope of practice validated through panel review.

The extended practice recognition program exists to give osteopaths the opportunity to be acknowledged for commencing and moving along a pathway towards developing clinical focus area knowledge, reasoning and skills that enhance the general osteopathic scop of practice. Extended Practice Recognition is for osteopaths completing valid and evidence informed short or medium courses, or clinical supervisory arrangements in exercise rehabilitation or related field within a specific timeframe, able to show evidence of covering certain domains of clinical reasoning.

Candidates wishing to apply for extended practice recognition can either apply through the Professional Development Stream or the Clinical Supervisory Stream as below.

Extended Practice Information

  • Click on the recognition area to find out more information and how to apply.

    • Formal recognition including a certificate valid for two years.
    • Privilege to refer to yourself as an Extended Practice Osteopath (Osteopathy Australia) for your individual clinic promotions, email signature and on business cards for the two-year recognition period.
    • Access to a collegial network of senior Advanced Practice Osteopath peers for network building and collaboration
    • Encouragement along a pathway towards Advanced Practice Recognition, if desired
    • Representation in specific lobbying work seeking more advantages for osteopaths with further clinical knowledge or skills in the choosen focus area.
  • Completion a minimum of 30 hours of post-registration professional development in formal courses in the chosen focus area or related fields covering the core domains of reasoning for general quality and clinical risk management.

    See the relevant focus area article for more information

  • Completion of a minimum of 30 hours of structured post-registration clinical supervision with evidence of learning outcomes based in the Quality Framework of the chosen focus area covering the core domains of reasoning for general quality and clinical risk management.

    See the relevant focus area article for more information